A New Job Lot of OO Gauge Trains – What Will We Find?

There’s always something exciting about opening up a fresh box of second-hand trains. It’s a bit like a lucky dip—you never quite know what you’re going to find. Some will be in great condition, ready to go with just a quick check-up. Others might need a bit of TLC to get them running again. And, of course, there’s always the odd surprise tucked away at the bottom of the box.

This latest job lot of OO gauge trains has just arrived, and we’ll be getting stuck into it over the next few days. The plan is simple: unbox everything, see what we’ve got, and then start the servicing process. That means checking for missing parts, cleaning up the motors, and making sure everything runs as it should. Some might need nothing more than a bit of oil, while others might need a full strip-down and rebuild.

Once they’re all sorted, they’ll be making their way to the second-hand section of the website. If you’re on the lookout for a bargain or a hard-to-find model, keep an eye out—you never know what gems might turn up.

I’ll be sharing some highlights along the way, so if you’re curious to see what’s inside, stay tuned. Who knows? Your next favorite loco might be in this very box.

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